When a mother cry out to GOD

This is a story that happened some years back. I had spent some time with my son overseas to be there for someone who needed help and my son became very discourage because he wanted to go back to California. My son was a happy boy when he attended Elementary school in California. We experienced the opposite in the school overseas and my son felt the school was not fulfilling at all. The wish and demand to go back to California increased for each day. My son found pleasure in playing online video games and it became a way to escape the unhappy situation to the point that the online games little by little became an addiction.

He had a hard time quitting the games because he played with online friends from all over the globe who were living in different time zones. And he didn’t want to quit when the group were dependent on him. The games could go on for hours. The online games caused much anger and foul languages.

I believe I tried everything during that time, from counseling to take away the computer for a time, but nothing seemed to help.

And this is what many of us experiences: When nothing else seems to help; we pull out the last straw and Cry out to God. That was exactly what I did. The Lord had given me a dream so I knew that he heard my prayer! and I was waiting on the Lord!

One day when I was in the kitchen I heard clearly a voice say: “You are not allowed to play on ZETSONE!”

So I went into my sons room and asked him; “Do you have a game called ZETSONE ?” He answered “NO” to that.

I heard the voice clearly and didn’t know what to believe. So I started to pray to the LORD and said to HIM: “Dear Jesus, if this voice came from YOU please confirm it to me”.

As I said that I bowed my head and my eyes looked down on the dresser where the modem for the internet were placed. I had just received a new modem for the internet and my eyes looked at the box with the inscription; “ZETSONE” !!! I was shocked. I didn’t even know that the brand was called ZETSONE ! The Lord indeed confirmed that what I heard came from HIM.

I went into the room and told my son that GOD himself had given me the message that he was not allowed to play online games over the modem ZETSONE. My son believed me, but asked me several times if this was really true. And YES this is a true story. He stopped playing online games for the rest of the time we spent overseas and the anger and the bad words ceased.

Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

Proverbs 9:10
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. “..

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